S2: Stop the Presses; We got a Story…it's Juicy!
[written by NPC Jimmy Clark, an undercover newspaper reporter who has joined the expedition as part of the film crew.] Thursday, 31 August, 1933 : Jimmy walked into the newsroom, tossed his hat&coat on his desk, stopped at the pay window to submit his voucher, then strolled into the editors office where he was greeted with, “Damn it, Jimmy, you’re gonna singlehandedly bankrupt me! ” Jimmy tried to calm him down, “I’m telling you boss, I’ve got a nose for headlines and THIS expedition will have a life of its own. I can smell multiple angles, whether exclusive rights reporting their success, or revealing behind-the-scene calamities that will spell its doom. And that glory-hound Mr. Starkweather is practically writing THAT story for me.” “Remember that May article I wrote where Starkweather gloated about ‘stealing a member of Byrd’s team’? There’s competition and one-upmanship for you. What, three expeditions heading south within months of each other? And Starkweather unable to get ...